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当然,在目前关于商誉问题的讨论中,有一个关节点却少有人提及,即为何在欧美公司涉及金额更大的并购中,罕有业绩“对赌”(承诺)一说,以及由高溢价收购引发商誉暴增进而一旦减值直接冲垮公司当期利润的情形。传媒行业问题突出还是回归中国资本市场。Wind数据显示,2013年末 A股共有1233家公司存在商誉;而到了2018年三季度末,这一数量已上升至2077家,在A股上市公司中的比重达到57.97%。


Liu Xin: I think that would be a wonderful idea. Don’t you think for American consumers, products from China would be even cheaper? And for consumers in China, products from America would be so much cheaper too? I think that would be a wonderful idea, I think we should work towards that. But you talked about rule-based system, rule-based order. This is the thing, if you want to change the rules it has to be done in mutual consensus, basically when we talk about tariffs it’s not just between China and the United States. I understand if you lower tariffs just between China and the United States the Europeans will come, the Japanese will come, the Venezuelans will probably come and say ‘hey, we want the same tariffs’. You can’t discriminate between countries. So it’s a very complicated settlement to reach. I think the last time the world agreed on the kind of tariff reduction China should commit to, was exactly the result of multilateral and years of difficult negotiations. The United States saw, in its interests, and decided to what degree they could agree, or to what degree they could lower their tariff - nobody put a gun to their head - and China agreed, although with some difficulty, to lower their, our, tariff considerably, it is all the decision of countries according to their own self-interest. Now things are different, yes, I agree, 20 years later, what are we going to do? Maybe these old rules need to be changed. You know what, let’s talk about it, let’s do it according to the rules, the same rules, but if you don’t like the rules, we‘ll change the rules, but it has to be a multilateral process.

责任编辑:张岩经济观察网 记者 余娜中利集团(002309. SZ)拟作价100亿的收购黯然告吹,止步比克电池第四大股东。继长信科技( 300088.SZ)后,再次落北。1月14日下午,中利集团董事会秘书兼副总经理程娴在“关于终止筹划重大资产重组的投资者说明会”上明确表示,“由于本次筹划重大资产重组期间,二级市场大幅波动、去杠杆等宏观经济环境因素,结合标的公司实际情况、未来发展规划,对本次重大资产重组产生较大不确定性。公司决定终止本次重大资产重组事项。”

